Harder Drive:
Hard drives we didn't want or need

Read words

Consider reading the paper, Harder Drive: Hard drives we didn't want or need, which appears in SIGBOVIK 2022. (bibtex)

Watch draws and hear words

Of course, there are multiple irksome videos on my YouTube channel Suckerpinch! screenshot for thumbnails

Browse the internet

If you have a 64-bit Windows machine and enough RAM (32 GB?) and want to try out the app I used in the video for exploring the IPv4 address space, you can try this torrent: harder-drive-internet-map.torrent. I'll shoot to keep this working through the end of April 2022, but no promises.


Enhance your mobile calling experience with the ringtone audio from the video, available with my other songs at Tom 7 Entertainment System.

Have your own Harder Drive

Good luck trying to use the impenetrable source code.

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